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Resources for CLC Stages 1-12

N.B. - For the Vocabulary PowerPoints below, you can shuffle the slides by enabling macros and then hitting "Alt" "F8" "Enter."


CLC Vocabulary Tester - This is fantastic and will work on smartphones!!! Once there, select the stage or stages you wish to practice.

CLC Dictionary - Search for words, hear them pronounced, and view their verious forms. Very helpful!


Vocabulary Handout

Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin to English, English-to-Latin

Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, QuiaDerivatives

Vocabulary Quiz I

Grammar: Nouns vs. Verbs

General Review: Question Words, Characters

STAGE 2 - Nominative & Accusative Cases

Vocabulary Handout

Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin-to-English, English-to-Latin

Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, Quia, Derivatives

Vocabulary Quiz I

Grammar: Parts of Speech Practice I, Practice II

Grammar: Nominative & Accusative Practice I, Practice II

Grammar: Subject or Direct Object Practice I, Practice II

STAGE 3 - The Three Declensions, Gender

Vocabulary Handout

Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin-to-English, English-to-Latin
Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, Quia, Derivatives
Vocabulary Quiz I

Grammar: Determine the Declension I & II, Determine the Gender

Grammar: Nominative & Accusative Review I, Review II, Review III (battleship)

General Review: Characters

STAGE 4: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Person Singular Verbs (-o, -s, -t)

Vocabulary Handout
Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin-to-English, English-to-Latin
Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, Quia, Derivatives
Vocabulary Quiz I

Vocabulary Review: Stages 1-4 PowerPoint, Stages 1-4 Quia Games

Grammar: Verb Endings Practice I, Practice II, Practice III, Practice IV
Grammar: Nominative & Accusative Review

STAGE 5: Nominative Plural, 3rd Person Plural Verbs (-nt)
Vocabulary Handout
Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin-to-English, English-to-Latin
Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, Quia, Derivatives
Vocabulary Quiz I

Grammar: Forming Nominative Plural - Flashcards, Practice I

Grammar: Match the Verb Forms

Grammar: Choosing the correct form - Practice I, Practice II

General Review: Match the Latin to its translation, Challenge Board

Practice Test for Stages 4 & 5

STAGE 6: Imperfect Tense, Perfect Tense (-v-stems)

Vocabulary Handout

Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin-to-English, English-to-Latin
Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, Quia, Derivatives
Vocabulary Quiz I

Grammar: Basic information about the tenses

Grammar: Translating Tenses - Practice I, Practice II, Practice III

Grammar: Forming Imperfect & Perfect

General Review: Challenge Board
Textivate Activities: pugna, Felix, Felix et fur

STAGE 7: Additional Perfect Stems (trade vowel, -x, long vowel, -s, -u, -v, doubling)
Vocabulary Handout
Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin-to-English, English-to-Latin
Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, Quia, Derivatives
Vocabulary Quiz I

Grammar: Identify the Tense

Grammar: Choose the correct translation or verb form - Practice I, Practice II

Grammar: Forming Perfect Tense - Flashcards, Practice I, Practice II

General Review: Challenge Board

STAGE 8: Accusative Plural, Superlative Adjectives
Vocabulary Handout
Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin-to-English, English-to-Latin
Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, Quia, Derivatives, Perfect Tense
Vocabulary Quiz I

Grammar: Identifying the Case - Practice I, Practice II

Grammar: Forming and Translating Accusative Plural

Grammar: Choose the Correct Noun

Grammar: Superlative Adjectives

General Review: Challenge Board, Battleship

STAGE 9: Dative Case
Vocabulary Handout
Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin-to-English, English-to-Latin
Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, Quia, Derivatives, Perfect Tense
Vocabulary Quiz I

Grammar: Identifying the Case - Practice I, Practice II

Grammar: Forming the Cases

Grammar: Choose the Correct Noun

General Review: Verb Tenses, Challenge Board

STAGE 10: 1st & 2nd Person Plural Present Tense Verbs (-mus, -tis), Comparative Adjectives

Vocabulary Handout
Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin-to-English, English-to-Latin
Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, Quia, Derivatives I & II, Perfect Tense
Vocabulary Quiz I

Grammar: Present Tense Verb Endings

Grammar: Translating Present Tense Verbs

Grammar: Forms of Sum

Grammar: Choosing the Correct Verb

Grammar: Translating Adjectives - Practice I, Practice II

Grammar: Additional Verb Practice I & II

STAGE 11: Additional Dative Information
Vocabulary Handout
Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin-to-English, English-to-Latin
Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, Quia, Derivatives I & II, Perfect Tense
Vocabulary Quiz I

Grammar: Personal Pronouns

Grammar: Accusative or Dative? - Practice I, Practice II

Grammar: Questions

General Review: Challenge Board

STAGE 12: Remaining forms for Imperfect & Perfect Tenses
Vocabulary Handout
Vocabulary PowerPoints: Latin-to-English, English-to-Latin
Vocabulary Games: Quizlet, Quia, Derivatives I & II, Verbs I & II
Vocabulary Quiz I

Grammar: Identify the Tense

Grammar: Translating Verbs - Practice I, Practice II

Grammar: Subject-Verb Agreement

Grammar: Forms of Sum

General Review: Challenge Board


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